£1.8k payout for owner of dog in Rugeley attack
A man whose dog bit a woman's nose and attacked her own dog has been ordered to pay out more than £1,800.
Ian Jaffray, of The Lindens, Rugeley, appeared at court yesterday after his Staffordshire bull terrier Haze attacked a neighbour and her pet outside his home in May.
The 13-month-old puppy Haze bit a neighbour's dog when it was off the lead outside the flats off Armitage Road, the court heard.
Neighbour Katie Lake attempted to pull the bull terrier off her dog Pepper, when it bit her nose causing it to bleed.
The victim had to go to hospital for her injuries and Pepper had to be taken to the vets, costing more than £470.
Appearing at Cannock Magistrates Court yesterday, Jaffray pleaded guilty to allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control in a public place and cause injury.
He also pleaded guilty to a complaint of him not keeping proper control of a dog.
Prosecuting, John Peel told the court Jaffray said it was in fact when the other dog barked that Haze 'grabbed it by the leg'.
"He said he joined the lady in pulling the dog off and saw the lady's nose bleeding," said Mr Peel. "He admitted he didn't have the dog under control, as he didn't have it on a lead. I won't ask for the dog to be destroyed on this occasion, as it is the first time this case has been brought to the court."
In Jaffray's defence, solicitor Makhan Shoker told magistrates that while his client has taken full responsibility for the incident, Haze is still a puppy and must learn how to behave.
"My client takes full responsibility. While the dog is insured and registered, I think my client realises now that dogs do need training, but the owners need to know their responsibilities too. They have to know that dogs can, on occasion, act out of character. My client's remorse is heartfelt and his regret is genuine."
Magistrates' chairman of the bench Martin Jupp fined Jaffray £170 for not having control of the dog. He was also ordered to pay £1,547 in compensation, £85 in court costs and a £20 victim surcharge.
Mr Jupp also imposed an order for Jaffray to keep his dog on a lead in a public place.