Express & Star

Money Saving Amy: An 'easy to do' guide for energy saving amid cost-of-living crisis

Hello everyone. With winter fast approaching, this week I have some energy saving tips for you that will cut the cost of your bills, writes Amy Grayland.

Hot water bottles are a lovely way to keep warm

•A simple but effective tip is closing curtains in a room, which helps to keep the heat in, with the nights drawing in, it’s likely you’ll be closing curtains earlier anyway, but if you want a cosy afternoon watching the tv, close them to help keep the warmth up in the room.

•Turning the radiators off or very low in rooms you aren’t using, you don’t want to be spending extra money on heating rooms that are hardly, or never used. And keep the door to that room closed, preferably with a draught excluder on, to stop the cool air of that room drifting through to the warm house.

•Don’t fill your kettle every time you boil it, only fill it with what you need. Filling the kettle to the brim will inevitably mean the kettle is boiling for longer and therefore using more energy.

Alternatively, if you do boil a full kettle, or boil more than you need, put the left over boiling water into a flask to make a hot drink with later on. I find this a handy tip because not only does it save on boiling the kettle multiple times, but when I want to grab a quick drink the hot waters ready for me and I don’t need to stand and wait for the kettle. A good insulated flask can keep the water hot for up to 12 hours so they’re worth purchasing, you can get flasks from most supermarkets and stores such as B&M at affordable prices.