Express & Star

Retired look at part-time work to make ends meet

A quarter of retired adults in the West Midlands are considering taking on a part-time job to keep afloat amid the cost of living crisis, a survey has shown.


The research from Churchill Retirement Living revealed the figure – and that 17 per cent are currently considering downsizing as a way to cut costs.

Regional marketing manager Bernadette Hennelly said: "The cost of living crisis is affecting everyone, and it doesn’t discriminate by age.

"People in all walks of life are feeling the pinch and as the research has shown, those who have retired may not be as likely to have a mortgage, but they are certainly seeing the price of everyday goods and services rise like everyone else.

“As a result, people are looking at new ways of maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. It’s only natural to weigh up your options when finding yourself in living in the current financial landscape. And downsizing your home is one option that can make life a little easier financially by reducing maintenance and upkeep costs but maintaining a great quality of life and the opportunity to make new friends.

“It can be difficult to think about moving from somewhere you have lived for years, but actually it can be an extremely positive step to help you maintain your independence for longer.”

The research found that turning off electrics, buying own brand products and wearing additional clothing rather than turning up the heating are other ways retirees are bidding to save the pennies.