Express & Star

Wombourne firm's generous gift to help Scouts Group cut energy costs

A Wombourne-based company has pledged its support to a local scout group through a generous donation.

The work done to the roof

Insolation Solar, a local leader in renewable energy solutions, has donated and installed a solar panel system at the Dudley District Scout Hut, helping the group to significantly reduce their energy costs and environmental impact.

The donation included 12 high-quality 435-watt solar panels, which are expected to cover the scout hut's electricity needs throughout the summer months and provide enough surplus energy to sell back to the grid, helping sustain the hut during the winter.

"We wanted to give back to our community in a meaningful way, and supporting the Scout movement felt like a natural choice," said Howard Login, Co-Owner of Insolation Solar.

"The scouts offer a safe, engaging environment for our children, where they can learn vital life skills, enjoy outdoor activities, and foster a strong sense of community. By providing this solar system, we’re ensuring that the scout hut can continue to offer these opportunities for many years to come."

The installation not only helps the scout hut achieve significant cost savings but also contributes to their sustainability efforts.

With rising energy prices, this donation provides a long-term solution that allows the charity to reallocate funds previously used for electricity bills to other essential activities and community services.

"We are committed to supporting sustainable and community-focused initiatives," Howard continued.

"When the Dudley District Scouts reached out to us for a quote, we felt compelled to do more. By gifting this solar system, we hope to secure the future of the scout hut and encourage other businesses to think about how they can help their local communities in meaningful ways."

Ted Batham, the Dudley District Commissioner for the scouts, said: "Acts of generosity by local businesses are invaluable to helping local charities.

"Dudley Scouts have gratefully been the recipient of a long term sustainable solution for our energy needs from Insolation Solar Ltd. This will save us money, and is in keeping with our values for looking after the environment by reducing our carbon footprint. This will provide so many local children with more opportunities by freeing up capital to allow us to focus our funding on the aims of our charity rather than paying big energy bills "

The donation aligns with Insolation Solar's broader mission to promote sustainable energy solutions and support local charitable organisations.

The company has previously engaged in other community initiatives, continuously demonstrating its commitment to both environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Insolation Solar is dedicated to providing innovative and accessible renewable energy solutions to homes, businesses, and community organizations. Their goal is to reduce carbon footprints and create a more sustainable future for all.

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