Express & Star

Dudley bar staves off closure after deal with police

A Dudley venue got a lifeline after doing a last minute deal with police to prevent possible closure.

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Bar One on King Street. Picture: Google

Bar One on King Street was the subject of a licensing review hearing at Dudley Council on March 5.

The nightclub had been temporarily shut on February 7 after its licence was suspended for review at the request of West Midlands Police for the ‘prevention of crime and disorder’.

The latest hearing had been due to start at 10am but negotiations behind closed doors, between lawyers from both sides and members of the licensing committee, meant proceedings did not get under way until 1.20pm.

Once the public meeting began Jane Sarginson, counsel for the police, said she was happy to discuss the new licence arrangement in open session but added: “If we are going to go back to look at the circumstances the hearing should be in private”.