Express & Star

Runner marks 40th birthday with 40 races for NSPCC

THEY say life begins at 40 and for runner Lee Groucutt only an epic sporting challenge would be fitting.

Lee Groucutt will complete 40 races for the NSPCC

The Codsall resident decided to mark his 40th birthday by challenging himself to battle 40 races for the NSPCC.

His birthday-inspired fundraising mission has already seen him tackle 13 of his 40 challenges, with many more set to take him across the length and breadth of the country.

Mr Groucutt said he wanted to support the NSPCC after being "inspired" by the bravery of young victims of abuse.

He added: "I knew that I wanted to do something for the NSPCC - it blew my mind.

"I decided to run 40 runs and races at 40 years of age throughout 2019. This includes ten half marathons, 20 10k races and ten 5k park runs.

"We started on New Year’s Day and a lot of people will be joining me on the runs – it will be great to get other people on board. My last race will be on December 28.”

The careers advisor, who turned 40 on Wednesday, is yet to face the Birmingham 10k next month, a 10k race in Cannock Chase in August and then October's Great Birmingham Run.

He took up the sport after injuring his back at the age of 25, suffering spasms and chronic pain for about 12 years.

A back specialist then diagnosed him with a prolapsed disc and advised him to mange his pain by exercising more.

He said: “I was swimming, light jogging and doing palates but in 2016 I entered the London marathon for a charity called Back Care – I needed that massive challenge to force me into doing it.

"I lost three stone in just ten months – it was a brutal experience but it was transformational and I ended up raising £1,300.”

Mr Groucutt's first challenge was on New Year's Day, tacking the 5k Wolverhampton Park Run.

This was followed by races in Telford, Sutton Park and Shrewsbury, as well as the half marathons in Solihull and London.

He hopes to raise between £500 and £1,000 for the NSPCC and is also looking to start volunteering with Childline.

He added: “It has really captured my imagination – it’s amazing how people volunteer to offer such an important service to young people who need their voices heard.

"It is a crucial and critical service and it needs all of the support it can get.”
