Express & Star

MPs asked to back help for vulnerable

A housing group has called on MPs to champion supported living that helps vulnerable people live in their own homes.

Noleean Dyke, aged 66, moved into Keelson Pointe after a major operation

The appeal is in response to the news that the amount of money those living in social housing could get towards their rent may be capped at the Local Housing Allowance, LHA, rate from April 2019. It is currently exempt.

Supported housing includes a variety of schemes designed to support vulnerable people – including those with mental health issues, learning or physical disabilities – to live independently.

The National Housing Federation, NHF, and its members, including whg which is based in Walsall, is campaigning to persuade the government to commit to ensuring everyone who needs extra support has a home.

It included a Starts at Home day last week when they highlighted the contribution supported housing makes in the West Midlands.

As part of this, whg has contacted MPs Valerie Vaz, Wendy Morton and Eddie Hughes, calling on them to champion supported housing in Parliament.

The group provides supported housing through wellbeing schemes for people aged over 55 including 44 homes at Cardan Pointe, based on the regenerated Waterfront in Walsall, and 66 more apartments in Keelson Pointe in Leamore.

Clare Thomas, whg’s Head of Health and Wellbeing, said: “The continued threat of the imposition of the LHA cap on supported housing means all providers remain uncertain of the future for their services.

“If LHA is imposed, services will be closed and people will be left without the additional support needed to live in the community.

“Our services and those services that provide support to thousands of people with learning disabilities, mental health issues and older people across the country will be at risk. We look forward to engaging with local MPs about this issue.”