Express & Star

Alien in a jar? Collectable skeletons? Just some of the items on offer in new Staffordshire shop

An alien in a jar, a deer hoof bookend and antique metal shackles – welcome to the weird and wonderful world of a new shop opening in Staffordshire.


Stephen Fenemore is behind Black Fish Collectables, which opens shop this weekend providing Rugeley residents with a little taste of the unusual.

The 50-year-old dad-of-one began trading three years ago in Wolverhampton's indoor market. This Saturday he moved his Aladdin's cave to Bow Street in Rugeley town centre.

The collectables store houses skeletons alongside fossils, de-activated riffles, demon or vampire skulls and even a mask from the 1987 American science fiction film, Predator. Items at the shop range from £1 and £800, which would pocket you a variety of military medals. Mr Fenemore, who was in the army for eight years and is a former security guard, said: "We stock all sorts.

"We have a wide range of military items, alongside vintage medical equipment, stamps and antiques books."

He added: "We also stock film posters and memorabilia and we will be selling toys soon."

Collecting is not just a job for Mr Fenemore, having grown up in the buying and selling trade. His father ran a second-hand book store and after becoming fed up working for others he decided to turn his hobby into a living.

He said: "I already had a lot of items and so I took the stall in Wolverhampton to see how it would go and it really took off.

"I have been expanding over the past three years. I love going out and buying items, it doesn't feel like a job. I enjoy trawling auctions and online sites looking for unusual items."

The new shop will be open from 9.30am to 5pm, but closed Wednesday and Sundays.

Mr Fenemore, from the Pear Tree Estate, said: "Saturday is the three-year anniversary of the opening of the business.

"It is a new venture, there is nothing like it in Rugeley."

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