Jobcentre cash for clothes shop spree
Benefits claimants are being treated to a makeover at high street stores on taxpayers' cash thanks to Job Centres.

Benefits claimants are being treated to a makeover at high street stores on taxpayers' cash thanks to Job Centres.
Around £1 million was given out in grants throughout the West Midlands county area in the last financial year - about a tenth of the national outlay - by the Department for Work and Pensions.
Claimants who have job interviews to attend can kit themselves out at stores, who then claim the cost from the Job Centre after it is approved by advisers. Among those given a grant was 21-year-old Scott Williams, a geography and politics graduate from Landor Crescent, Rugeley.
He signed on for job seekers' allowance last year after leaving Nottingham Trent University.
Scott was stunned when Job Centre consultants offered to pay for a brand new outfit after he landed an interview in January.
Taxpayers picked up the bill for a new suit, a shirt, a jumper, a tie and a pair of shoes, totalling £180.
Scott, who has now found temporary work at a call centre in Stone, said: "I found out about clothing allowances on the internet and decided to ask for a new outfit before an interview. I didn't get that job, but I have got temporary work at the moment and a few other options.
"I was shocked at how easy it was to claim for the clothes. I just picked out everything I wanted. Burton store staff sent a letter to the Job Centre and as soon as the cost was invoiced I just had to collect the clothes.'
Scott added: "I think the system is open to abuse. In my case it has been very helpful, but there is little means -testing. Youngsters living at home, supported by parents, could pick up new clothing for the sake of it."
The system has also been criticised by the Taxpayers' Alliance, which says the handouts are excessive.
The Department for Work and Pensions insists grants are strictly monitored and only awarded when it is clear that the interviews are genuine.
EXCLUSIVE by Alex Campbell