Warning given on spate of swindles
Conmen are operating swindles with counterfeit cash and virtually worthless gold jewellery, police in Staffordshire warned today.
Conmen are operating swindles with counterfeit cash and virtually worthless gold jewellery, police in Staffordshire warned today.
There has been a spate of reports of youths targeting elderly people and businesses in Rugeley with forged £20 notes and attempting to swap them for real cash under the pretence of needing change.
Further reports indicate that two woman, believed to be Eastern European, are making unsolicited calls to houses in Brereton in a bid to sell low-grade gold for bloated prices.
The incidents have been most prominent in the Brereton area.
Police have been informed of the incidents and officers are warning residents to be wary of the scheme.
Pear Tree estate resident Scott Williams, from Landor Crescent, said: "I haven't been targeted by the gold sellers yet but I've heard quite a bit about the counterfeit notes.
"Brereton and the Pear Tree are fairly close communities and people are quick to warn each other."
Staff at the Pear Tree fish bar are among those targeted and staff have put up a sign to warn residents not to be taken in.
Anybody with information about crimes in the area is asked to contact police on 0300 123 4455.