Express & Star

Lucky break for BMW driver

A street sign saved a car driver from a huge repair bill after the vehicle overshot its parking space in a Staffordshire town.

The St Pauls Road sign saves this silver BMW from further damage after it overshot a parking space

A street sign saved a car driver from a huge repair bill after the vehicle overshot its parking space in a Staffordshire town.

The bonnet of this BMW hit the sign in St Paul's Road in Rugeley town centre, buckling it but preventing the car from falling to the pavement below.

It is not yet clear whether the driver was parking and miscalculated his speed or if the handbrake had not been applied properly, leaving the car to roll over the edge of the car park.

The silver BMW narrowly missed a nearby lamp post in the town centre road next to St Paul's Church.

Cannock Chase Council, which owns the sign, will be seeking compensation for the cost of repair.

The incident was reported to Staffordshire Police, who are investigating the circumstances, at around 10.40 last night. There were no reports of any injuries to motorists or pedestrians.

Staffordshire Police spokesman Neil Spencer said: "It was reported as being in a potentially dangerous position. It is not clear what has happened. One possibility is that the handbrake may not have been properly applied. We have contacted the owner and arrangements were being made to recover the car this morning."

Express & Star photographer Allan Williamson spotted the unusual sight this morning. "I must admit the car attracted amusing glances from passers-by," he said.

"I'm sure the driver will be relieved the sign was in the right place to save the car from more serious damage."

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