Express & Star

Frowning on rat-run drivers who speed

Speeders who are using a notorious Staffordshire rat-run will be met with an unhappy face as part of a new attempt to slow drivers down.


The Staffordshire Casualty Reduction Partnership has brought in a mobile flashing speed warning sign which can be rapidly moved to trouble spots around Cannock Chase. The new technology will flash a happy or sad face depending on whether the motorist is breaking the law. The new device can be used in other locations across the county.

They include Bower Lane, in Rugeley where residents have been leading a campaign to cut speeding.

It will also be used in Tamworth, Ipstones and Stoke next week at the start of a county wide tour.

The laser activated electronic sign can sense traffic travelling towards it at speeds above the 30mph limit, and will flash a warning.

Drivers will see their actual speed displayed alongside a smiling or frowning face, to try an hammer home the road safety message.

Staffordshire County Councillor Carol Dean, cabinet member for safer and stronger communities, said that the new device will have a big impact at speeding trouble spots.

She said: "Traffic speed is one of the major causes of road accidents and deaths.

"This new sign will tell drivers when they are breaking the law and show them how that makes the local community feel.

"Devices that show motorists their actual speed are proven to make a difference."

But Matthew Elliott, chief Executive at the TaxPayers' Alliance, claimed the sign was a 'pointless gimmick.'

"Taxpayers are already footing the bill for speed cameras and traffic cops, why should they have it fund this pointless gimmick, too? This sign will serve no practical purpose for taxpayers in the area, and represents a total waste of their money."

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