Pints mean prizes for beer reviewer
A Staffordshire pub is helping to offer one lucky drinker a dream job as official beer taster.

The Wolseley Arms, Wolseley Bridge, near Rugeley, is taking part in a six-week regional real ale festival which is looking for a chief reviewer.
The event has been organised by the Wolseley's parent firm, Vintage Inns, which says it needs someone "to describe each beer in flowery but honest prose that will encourage even the hardiest non-ale drinker to give the UK's best brews a try".
The landlord of the Wolseley Arms, James Walker, said; "Over the next six weeks my inn will host a total of nine real ales as part of our ongoing efforts to promote the nation's national drink.
"To help us we have enlisted the assistance of the Campaign for Real Ale and they are going to help us the pub find a member of the public who can describe, review and ultimately wax lyrical on the qualities of the festival's award-winning real ales in such a way as to encourage non-ale drinkers to give these exceptional brews a try."
Camra is asking for candidates to email a review of Sharp's Breweries award-winning Doom Bar to vintage.
Entries from regulars at the Wolseley Arms will be judged alongside those from other Vintage Inns in the region.
The writer of the best review will be asked back, over the remaining five weeks of the festival, with a companion, to sample and write about the remaining award winning ales. As well as free beer for six weeks, the winner will be judged against 22 others from across the UK in a national competition. The winner of that will go on a trip to the Budvar brewery in the Czech Republic to see how the only craft lager recognised by Camra is brewed – and experience traditional Czech hospitality.
Mr Walker added: "It's the opportunity of a lifetime for one lucky customer – a position with a rotten salary but excellent fringe benefits.
"Those of us that don't get the job will just will just have to find solace in the real ales at the pub for the next six weeks."