Wolverhampton animal rescue raises more than £4,500 at latest funday
A Wolverhampton animal rescue which looks after and rehomes abandoned pets has raised £4,590 at its latest funday.

Wings and Paws Rescue hosted their third annual funday on Sunday, which was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Wolverhampton.
At a dog show held on the day, Best in Show went to Bambi, Best in Show Reserve went to Lola, and third place went to Fifi.
Gemma Warner, a fosterer and volunteer for the rescue, said: "We are ecstatic, with the funday being held on the same day as the Women's World Cup Final, this is just amazing!
"We couldn't be happier and cannot thank you all enough! Our super sponsors, amazing stallholders, The Mayor and Mayoress, our dedicated volunteers and most of all you guys who came along made it the best funday ever with your beautiful dogs!"

To donate to Wings and Paws, go to paypal.com/paypalme/wingsandpawsrescue.
For more information on the rescue, go to wingsandpawsrescue.com or facebook.com/wingsandpawsrescue.