Express & Star

Wolverhampton Pride is back! Rainbows galore as event returns after four years

Wolverhampton Pride has returned after a four-year gap bought on by Covid, welcoming 6,000 people to the city on Saturday.

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Wolverhampton Pride is back after four-year break with a parade around the city centre

Thousands attended the event to encourage LGBT+ inclusivity, taking the occasion to show their colours in a stand for equal rights.

Councillors and Pride representatives opened the event at 11am, with Mayor Michael Hardachre giving a speech of togetherness and pride in Wolverhampton as well as hope for the future.

The event started with a poignant reading by Bethany Coey-Archer, chair of the internal Rainbow Staff Equality forum, who read out the names of those members of the LGBT community who have died.

Drag artists Mrs Gina Tonic, Crybaby Queen, Carley Flower and Spotti Dixie
Wolverhampton Pride back today
Wolverhampton Pride is back as revellers enjoying the sun

Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, Wolverhampton's cabinet member for visitor city, said: "This is hugely important, this isn't just important for the LGBT community, this is important for Wolverhampton as a place, the city of dreams.

"This is the first Pride we are holding because of Covid and other things, but here we are in 2023, we are expecting thousands today and long may it continue.

"For me, it is important as a city, as an authority, we respect everyone's gender, sexuality and religion. This is a day to celebrate Pride, with all of our friends from different communities and all different backgrounds."

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