Express & Star

The Big Debate: Mince pies - hot or cold?

Mince pies are a much-loved festive treat. But should they be eaten hot or cold?

Mince pies are a much-loved traditional treat

Heather Large: Warm is more welcoming

For years, I had always eaten mince pies cold but then I met my husband, who only likes them when they’ve been warmed up.

His family are the same, no one likes a cold mince pie.

I’m now fully converted, and haven’t had a cold one since.

They just seem to taste nicer when they’ve been heated through.

The pastry melts in your mouth and the flavours in the fruit really seem to stand out more.

However, if you are warming them in the microwave, like we do, then you have to take care with how long you set the timer for otherwise there could be a mini explosion.

There is a thin line between the perfect amount of time to gently warm them so you don’t burn your mouth, and leaving them in for too long that it causes the top to blow off and leaves the filling as hot as the inside of a McDonald’s apple pie.

The time can vary from one mince pie to another depending on where they’ve been bought from or if they are homemade.

Around 15 seconds is usually enough to ensure they are warm enough without burning your tongue.

But it’s all worth it as warming them up really makes a difference.

And if you want a more indulgent treat, then serve them with a bit of custard or scoop or two of ice cream.

Dan Morris: It's cold comfort for me

‘Tis true, my festive friends; a warm mince pie is a thing to behold. But adding heat is unnecessary, and if you train yourself to only enjoy one when it’s hot, hot, hot, you’re ruling yourself out of one of Christmas’s greatest pleasures...

My argument is very simple – the joy of a mince pie is in how they are there throughout the festive period to be casually grazed on in any place, any time, anywhere.

There never fails to be a box that some kind soul brings into the office, charities sell them in the street, and every auntie and grandma that ever drew breath keeps an ample stock to be wheeled out morning, noon and night.

Essentially, during December, mince pies are the seasonal quick treat fix, there to be enjoyed at the drop of a hat – why complicate matters by faffing about with a microwave? Use that precious, wasted warming time to get a second mince pie

They’re absolutely fine cold, and if you condition yourself to only liking them warm, you can kiss goodbye to street vendor mince pies, the ones peddled for charity by kids in libraries, and probably a decent share of your office haul (employers don’t want to see you at the microwave more than at your grind).

Do not deny yourself the gluttony you deserve to indulge in this Christmas! Enjoy them cold, and never have to pass one up!

Heated indeed... You’ll be using cutlery next...