Express & Star

Meet photographer Jamie Sterling who helps pet owners capture lasting memories

Capturing the special bond we have with our pets and creating lasting memories is the aim of Jamie Sterling.

Jamie Sterling has been a pet photographer for around two years, inspired by his dog Teddy

He began honing his skills as a pet photographer around two years ago, inspired by his beloved Shih Tzu Teddy.

Now the 29-year-old works with dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages as well as other animals including cats and horses.

Jamie has always been interested in photography but when he became a dog owner his hobby grew into an artistic passion.

He set up an Instagram page to share photos of Teddy, now aged six, that he had taken on his phone.

The number of people following the page continued to grow and it became time to invest in his first camera.

“Photography was a hobby that developed from the Covid lockdowns when we had more time on our hands to enjoy the outdoors," he said.

"Being outside is something I’ve always enjoyed,” explains Jamie, who lives in Walsall.

“It was actually my partner who wanted to buy the camera so we could get better pictures of Teddy but then I ended up using it the most.”

Teddy is happy to pose for a photo

Keen to improve his photography knowledge, Jamie threw himself into learning as much as he could with the help of online articles and YouTube videos – and Teddy was happy to play his part too.