Express & Star

Record response as more than 5,000 actors apply for Stafford Shakespeare roles

More than 5,000 actors have applied for roles in this year’s Stafford Shakespeare production – the biggest response since the company was founded in 1991.

Mike Groves is producing A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Stafford Gatehouse

Auditions were taking place in London over the past week after 14 roles in A Midsummer Night’s Dream were advertised in theatre press and stage directories.

The production has a full professional cast of 17, with three of the roles already allocated to Australian actor Jonathan Hyde, who has appeared in Titanic and Jumanji, and will play Nick Bottom; Broadway star Kerry Ellis, who had performed in Wicked and Les Miserables, and will play Titania, and Milly Zero, who has appeared in All at Sea and EastEnders, who will play Hermia.

Producer Mike Groves said: "We were expecting around 1,500 applications for roles in the Stafford Shakespeare production, but we ended up with 5,132.

"The response was incredible and it just goes to show how highly regarded these plays are on a national level.

"Everyone knows that the production values will be spot on and standards will be incredibly high.

"We have whittled it down to 150 auditionees, with some fairly well-known names in among them, so it’s very exciting to be down in London seeing who could be in our cast.

"We actually had to extend our stay because there were so many people we wanted to see."

As well as the principal cast members, the production team is planning one or two big name surprises for the show, which runs at Stafford Gatehouse Theatre from June 23-July 9.

Marketing manager Keith Harrison said: "I don’t think the Gatehouse will ever have seen a show like it and there’s a real buzz about the place as the opening night draws nearer."

More than 2,000 tickets have already been sold and the producers have also announced a spin-off production called The Fairy Academy for younger theatre-goers.

Mike Groves explained: "It’s linked to A Midsummer Night’s Dream and is a great introduction to the theatre for children aged 5-9.

"The youngsters join in and complete various tasks before a full graduation ceremony where they receive their fairy wings, which they get to keep, of course.

"It will all be staged in a magical setting, with a beautiful sound and light show, so we are really excited to be welcoming some younger theatre-goers alongside our main production."

For further information visit or call 01785 619080.