Express & Star

Youth theatre performers take on monologue trail

Members of a Wolverhampton youth theatre are finding innovative ways to hone their performance skills despite lockdown.

Mathlide Petford and Holly Wilson taking part in CYT's monologue trail

Youngsters at Wolverhampton’s Central Youth Theatre are undertaking a socially distanced monologue trail by travelling to each other’s houses and performing outside each others' front doors.

The idea for the project came from former member, and part-time leader, Zak Douglas who lives in Oxley.

He said: “We were brainstorming ideas of ways the youth theatre could undertake some live theatre and I had this idea that we could involve as many people as possible in learning a new monologue and travelling around the city performing for each other.

"We are all really missing rehearsing and performing right now – and doing meet up’s on-line is OK but it’s nothing like performing live.”

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Twenty two of the groups members are taking part in the trail.

Jane Ward, director of CYT added: “I felt it was a really innovative idea – and it certainly sparked a great deal of interest amongst our members.

"They are all pretty low at the moment, as during April, May and June we had seven shows due to be performed – including one that was due to tour to a festival in Northern Italy – and of course everything has had to be cancelled.

"Added to that, everyone has been cooped up in their houses for so long they are desperate to get out and about, but currently there aren’t many places young people can go.

"This project meant they could combine their exercise with something more purposeful - by going to stand outside someone’s house to perform."

The project started just over one week ago, and will be taking participants to Bradmore, Bushbury, Wednesfield and Sedgley, before a socially distanced finale at West Park.