Express & Star

Operatic company sponsors seat at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre

An amateur dramatics group has marked its 90th anniversary by sponsoring a seat at Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre.

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Bilston Operatic Company

Bilston Operatic Company has sponsored the seat for 50 years for £1,100.

The company is Wolverhampton’s longest running am-dram group and has been associated with the Grand for nearly six decades, first performing at the venue in 1958.

The group's first show was ‘Pirates of Penzance’ in 1927 at the Theatre Royal in Bilston.

They regularly staged productions there until 1958 when the theatre was closed. The Grand offered them the stage to perform on and they have been performing at the venue ever since.

Bilston Operatic will once again be at the venue with ‘A Christmas Carol’ from November 21 to 25.

Chairman Brenda Arnold said: “This seat sponsorship is a wonderful way to recognise our 90-year anniversary and is also a gesture of support to the Grand Theatre.

"The Grand have been wonderful supporters of our productions since our very first show here almost 60 years ago.

"We all have many happy memories from these wonderful years at the Grand.”

Grand Theatre fundraising manager John Harrison said: “This incredible donation will help support the charitable work of the Grand.

"Our mission is to put creativity, education and a passion for arts at the heart of our community.

"We are very grateful to our friends at the Bilston Operatic Company – their support will have a great impact on our work.”

Visit for information on seat sponsorships or to buy tickets for ‘A Christmas Carol’.