Express & Star

Paul Young and Los Pacaminos prove a hit at Bilston's Robin 2 gig - in photos

Tequila made the Black Country happy when Paul Young brought his band to the region.

Paul Young and Los Pacaminos on stage at the Robin 2, Bilston

His alter-ego band Los Pacaminos were a hit with the crowd at Bilston’s Robin 2 on Friday night.

The show sees revellers treated to an array of hits from the group's collection including Wooly Bully and La Bamba.

Founder of the venue, Mike Hamblett, said the band had been performing there for up to 15 years.

"It was a good night," he said. "It was well attended and was a great show – everyone went away happy.

"Tickets had sold pretty well before, it wasn't sold out but it was well attended.

"We've had the Los Pacaminos coming to the Robin for about 10 to 15 years now, we've also had him on his own when he's done his solo stuff.

"The Lospacamos is something completely different though and it went down great.

"They've built up a good following though and it's just a good party. Everyone has a really good time.

"It's normally about once a year they come down. I'm trying to get him back for next year. He's got all sorts of projects on the go but it's always a real good time."

Los Pacaminos originally got together as an opportunity to play their shared passion of the Border, Tex-Mex and Americana music that the members of the band love.

They all started as a practice band playing when other musical commitments allowed.

It first started in London in the month of November 1992 – as an antidote to the bleak English winter.

Word soon got around the band started playing gigs.

Today, the band, fronted by Paul Young, are still going strong with a host of sold-out shows in the diary this year across the United Kingdom.