Wolverhampton pub landlady thanks staff and customers after scooping charity award
A Wolverhampton pub landlady has paid tribute to her staff and customers after the pub was given a charity award.

The Ashmore Inn, in Ashmore Park, has been named as the Charity Pub of the Year by owners Proper Pubs, the community wet-led division of Admiral Taverns.
The pub was awarded a £1,000 cash prize following the judging process, which saw each pub across the estate judged by the senior leadership team at Proper Pubs on the work they do for their fellow residents and local area.
The landlady of the Ashmore Inn, Tina Wood, has raised more than £30,000 throughout the past year for local causes, including a family whose house burnt down, for those that have lost babies support their funerals and children with cancer.
She even puts her personal tips from customers into the charity tubs at the bar and said her work fit the ethos of the pub as a place where people can donate to good causes and had a great community feeling.