Express & Star

Discover what’s made in the Black Country at museum

Cars, anchors, locks, door knockers – Black Country folk had a worldwide reputation for making things.

Discover what’s made in the Black Country at museum

Visitors at the Black Country Living Museum can discover how their manufacturing prowess put the region on the map, and have a laugh along the way this half term.

Explore 26 acres of shops, houses and industrial areas as you take on the ‘Where in the World?’ trail. From West Indies to New Zealand, you’ll discover just how far the Black Country-made goods went.

Those feeling up to the challenge will be able to follow the footsteps of the Black Country’s legendary car manufacturers and make their very own ‘peg car’ too.

As you explore the village, make sure to pop your head into Gregory’s General Store and grab a postcard to post into the nearly 200 year old post-box – this iconic design was manufactured right in the heart of the Black Country.

Discover what’s made in the Black Country at museum

From faggots and peas to Groaty pudding, the Black Country folk made some pretty hearty meals too. Speak to the costumed demonstrators who’ll be cooking up this traditional fayre in the houses.

Explore newly-restored areas of the museum, including the mighty Anchor Forge. Watch live demonstrations of this once mighty instrument all weekend as it smashes into metal with a thunderous roar, showing you how the Black Country produced some of the largest metalwork the world had known.

Don’t forget to head on over to the brand new Racecourse Colliery and find out what life was like above the mines in a brand new multi-sensory experience.

Discover what’s made in the Black Country at museum

Meet brand new characters, listen as the pit ‘oss pulls the tub along the tramway and watch as coal is transported up from the dark depths of the mine. You’ll see where the Black Country knack for making things all started with just a lump of coal.

Made in the Black Country Half Term Activities takes place from May 26 to June 3.

For more information and to buy tickets, click here