Express & Star

Curry night for cancer fight

A group of friends have been continuing their efforts to raise funds for a mother's cancer treatment, with a curry and a quiz night.

Robby's Indian Restaurant, where Team Jules had a fundraising quiz night. They are raising money for Julie their friend for treatment to help prolong her life, From the restaurant is: Jay Saeid, and then in yellow is: Jules Garratt-Payne, then: Michelle Cartwright, Louise Clark, Lisa Green and Juliet Gill

Mother of four Jules Garratt-Payne, from Stourbridge, has been undergoing chemotherapy for secondary liver cancer over the last 18 months, but has been informed that the cancer cannot be cured.

So far, Jules' friends and family have helped to raise £17,500 towards their £75,000 target in order to afford Jules' vital treatment.

Long-time friend of Jules, Louise Clarke, said: "We've managed to sell out another event, with 60 people at the curry and quiz night."

Events so far have included a barn dance, a fun day and coffee mornings, with a bingo night and a golf day also planned for later this year.

The treatment Jules needs is Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT), which is currently unavailable on the NHS.

The treatment is given by a series of injections directly into the tumour in a bid to extend survival and downsize the tumour.

Louise added: "It's heartbreaking because £75,000 only just covers the injections she needs.

"She is such a phenomenal person and an amazing mother with a real zest for life. She gives a lot to us and now we've grown around her."

Jules ran local fitness classes for her community in Stourbridge and still runs events to raise money for local and national charities despite her illness.

A Facebook page has been set up called 'TEAM Jules', which has gained much support.

You can donate towards Jules' treatment via a GoFundMe page at