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Meet the two new African elephants who have just arrived at West Midlands Safari Park

A safari park has officially welcomed two new African elephants in a mammoth-sized achievement.

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West Midlands Safari Park has celebrated after they doubled their herd size overnight with the arrival of Suzy and Gitana, their newest African elephants.

The two females, both in their 40s, are already well on their way as they settle into their new home as they join elephant pen fan favourites Coco and Five.

Suzy and Gitana, have been on an amazing journey over the past few weeks, packing their trunks to travel from Pairi Daiza Zoo, in Belgium, before moving into their new home at the West Midlands Safari Park in Bewdley.

The new elephants are part of an endangered species who are hunted by poachers

Since their arrival, Suzy and Gitana have had time to settle into their new home, which consists of outdoor pools, mud wallows, dust baths, indoor sand beds and an enriched feeding area.

Veterinarian at Pairi Daiza, Alicia Quievy, said: "We are saddened to say goodbye to our magnificent elephants, whom we have cherished for so many years and with whom we have shared so much love.

"We are confident that West Midlands Safari Park will take excellent care of them, with the development of their new facility being more suitable for these older females."

The two new elephants were welcomed after traveling from Belgium

African elephants face an uncertain future, with their wild population declining due to poaching, therefore they are listed as 'endangered' by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Head Keeper of Elephants at West Midlands Safari Park, Andy Plumb, said: "After nearly a year in planning, all of the elephant-keeping team are delighted with the safe arrival of Suzy and Gitana, which has doubled our herd numbers overnight.

West Midlands Safari Park's elephants herd size doubled overnight as they welcomed their newest arrivals

"The reaction of Coco and Five has been a joy to see, as forming friendships with other individuals is a very important part of their social life. We are very excited to see how the new herd develops."

The African elephants can be seen on the four-mile Safari Drive, from the Grasslands Viewpoint on the African Walking Trail and from the Elephant Lodges.

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