Express & Star

Wolverhampton Fiesta returns to West Park this weekend

Council chiefs have urged people to enjoy the final few activities in a programme of summer events.

Wolverhampton Fiesta

The Visit Wolverhampton summer programme has been running since June 30 and finishes on Sunday.

It will conclude with one of the Black Country's oldest fairground families – The Harry Jones Company – making a return to West Park for the Wolverhampton Fiesta on Saturday (July 15) and Sunday.

Visitors can also take in a free young people’s music concert, at Wolverhampton Art Gallery on Friday, at 1.10pm.

On Saturday, there is a VIP music fair at the Slade Rooms, and an outdoor production of Bellevue Hotel at Bantock House.

Sunday will see a rock ‘n’ roll afternoon at Bantock Park.

Councillor John Reynolds, cabinet member for city economy, said: “Wolverhampton is a vibrant, thriving city with plenty to offer every day of the year.

“The summer programme is proving a big hit so far, especially the flagship Festival of Food and Drink last weekend, which saw 18,500 people attend.

“There is even more on offer between now and Sunday, and it is a great way to sample places you might not normally think of visiting.”