Express & Star

Classic comedy and operatic voices all hit big stage

We start this week with the award-winning group, BMOS Musical Theatre Company which is all set to tread the boards at the Birmingham Alexandra Theatre next week, with their production of 9 to 5 the Musical.


Dolly Parton’s smash hit, based on the movie of the same name, tells the tale of three female co-workers who reach boiling point with their hypocritical, lying egotistical boss Franklin J. Hart.

One by one, Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasies – giving him the boot!

But, when things go awry, they honestly believe they have killed him and begin to panic!

The storyline is madcap, funny, and completely crazy and the numbers in the show include Shine Like the Sun, Backwoods Barbie, Around Here, Get Out and Stay Out, and of course the title song, which was a massive hit for Dolly back in 1980.

The group’s Chairman, Patrick Bryce said, “We are thrilled to be able to bring such a funny, popular show to the stage this year. BMOS is all about making musical theatre and the performing arts accessible to our local community and we look forward to entertaining our friends, families, and fellow Brummies with this production.”

The casting of 9 to 5 requires three, strong female singers and actresses, in this case played by Michelle Worthington as Violet, Jo Smith as Doralee and Rachel Richards who plays Judy. Finally, James Gordanifar has the unenviable task of playing the boss!

For tickets, visit or the BMOS Facebook page.

Tickets are now on sale for Stone Revellers Musical Theatre Company’s production of The Canterbury Tales, which they will perform at St. Michael’s Hall in Stone from June 13-17.

Described as a summer comedy, this version has definite Monty Python undertones and is presented in a cabaret style setting complete with a pie and chips supper and bar service.

Sounds like a fun evening. For tickets visit

One of my favourites amongst the older style musicals is the wonderful Crazy for You. It is a show I have always wanted to perform in, but never have, but I love to see it whenever a group presents it, be it professional or amateur.

The TAB Operatic Society, who perform at Stourbridge Town Hall, is about to begin rehearsals for the show and their audition day is July 2nd.

In short, City Slicker, Bobby falls in love with hometown girl Polly when he is banished by his mother to Deadrock, Nevada, to curb his spending and his desire to be a star. Of course, it is not smooth sailing at first, but set against a background of cowboys, showgirls and a glorious score, courtesy of George and Ira Gershwin, it isn’t long before romance blossoms.

Are you a potential Bobby or Polly? Or a Bela Zangler, the producer of Zangler’s Follies? Or maybe you are a talented dancer eager to join the show? Tap dancing skills are a must for this musical.

If so, visit the group’s Facebook page, or email for more details and an audition pack.

At the Dormston Theatre, Sedgley this coming Saturday, fans of the movies will love Anthem Voices’ concert, Lights, Camera Action!

This popular local choir is made up of enthusiastic singers who just love to open their mouths and see what comes out! There is no audition, you just have to enjoy singing and it is a great way to make friends and enjoy performing without any pressure.

The group meets at Christ the King Church, Aldersley, every Thursday evening and is run by the amazing Elise Evans from Radio WM. Elise is an experienced performer having attended the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London from an early age.

Elise has the natural ability to get the absolute best out of people and so Anthem Voices has proved extremely popular.

There are two performances on June 10, at 2.30pm and 7.30pm and tickets can be purchased at so book online and enjoy the evening.

For more information on Anthem Voices, visit or visit their Facebook page.

This weekend sees a short run of the musical In the Heights, at the Walker Theatre within Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury, presented by MPTC from June 10-11.

This musical won no less than three Tony awards for its composer, Lin Manuel Miranda, and is an unusual blend of old and new music, telling the tales of a neighbourhood in Washington Heights, New York, where the breeze carries the music of three generations.

The songs include Breathe, It Won’t Be Long, Home All Summer, Alabanza and of course the title song which is so catchy you will be singing it all the way home!

For tickets, visit or call 01743 281281.

The Shropshire Drama Company is about to begin a new play reading on June 12 at The Loft at the Old Post Office in Shrewsbury.

This time, the group are reading two plays by David Wright. The first is a Shrewsbury Mummers play, a local take on the ancient tradition of mumming and performed as a medieval form of folk street theatre.

The second play is called No Man’s Land and is set in a family home on Christmas morning. Three generations of a family try to enjoy the Christmas spirit as tensions rise, but then a secret unfolds which threatens to tear them apart once and for all.

For more information, email or visit the group’s Facebook page.

Finally this week, congratulations to everyone who was nominated and won in the recent NODA awards. Some of you have been in touch to let me know how you got on. How uplifting for your members.

Particular congratulations to Startime Variety from Halesowen, who wrote in to tell me how thrilled they were to have won Best Pantomime in District 8 for their production of Hercules. The panto was written by a member of the group Holly Mills and so this is a real achievement. Well done you guys!

That’s all for this week. Email me at, call me on 01902 319662, or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Break a leg!

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