Express & Star

Friends use experiences to make single of hope and support

Two friends have used their experiences of mental health issues to release a song to raise awareness.

Adam Morton and Nathan Whittaker have released a single to help inspire people suffering from mental health issues

Nathan Whittaker and Adam Morton, better known as Whito and RapidFire, have produced and recorded Heroes of the Night as a way of drawing attention to the issues around mental health and to raise funds for charity.

Nathan, who lives in Birmingham, and Adam, who is from Burntwood, recorded the single during the first lockdown, with Nathan saying it had been a way of dealing with the strains of the pandemic.

The 29-year-old said: "With the lockdown, we were sat at home isolating like a lot of people and started sending clips of audio and other recordings to each other.

"Once the restrictions were lifted, we were able to get into the studio and start recording this professionally, which was great as we normally do all of it from home.

"We both suffer from mental health and depression issues and I think being able to put this together has been great as it's really helped both of us."

After recording and producing the single, the pair made the decision to upload it to the BBC Introducing websiteC.

Adam said he has also spoken to the BBC about the meaning of the song.

He said: "I said it was a very deep song and goes through a lot of raw emotion, but it also paints a picture of hope through the chorus that you can stay strong and keep the faith that things will be better.

"I've suffered for years from mental health issues, and music has always been an outlet for me, whether listening to it or writing it and expressing how I feel.

"The plan is to give the proceeds of to the Campaign against Living Miserably, which works to help prevent suicide and help people through depression, but I'd like to be able to help other charities as well."

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