Express & Star

Vidorra, Early Life - album review

We're swimming through the sixth month of the year, and Stafford musician Vidorra is already on album number four for 2019.

Vidorra, from Stafford

After releasing his debut You Matter last summer, quickly followed by You Matter Too, the former Unsigned column star dropped Worldwide Love in January, Viddy Viddy in February, and Water in April.

The productivity of his mind is staggering. His brainwaves must race around like the most thrilling of Formula 1 extravaganzas - so it is probably not surprising that some material doesn't quite live up to others.

READ MORE: Vidorra, Water - album review

Early Life is one of these. Holding more of a club feel than previous Vidorra products, there are fewer stand-out tracks than we found on Water.

Plodding beats power much of what is found here. The big bass sound of Spreading A Vibe might sound good pumped out of expensive, powerful speakers - but most of it feels over-long. That is until two thirds of the way through when Vidorra launches into one of his unique rap segments which feel like random thoughts emanating from his mind.

We imagine his songwriting process to be just like this. It must be how he comes with with such regular releases. It makes him immediately likeable. Clearly enjoying himself, why not throw records out at such a rate when you're in that zone?

READ MORE: Stafford unsigned artist Vidorra discusses his debut album

Vidorra, real name Chanakya Kathuria, spent much of the last record bouncing off his brother, who performs under the name Guglu.

He reappears on Early Life for the track Alone In The City. Slower, calmer, and featuring some Matisyahu-style tribal vocals it's one of the album's brighter moments as both brothers dance around each other while electronics thunder below like an ominous lava flow.

Myki Tuff appears most-often for this record, and the 'fun factor' is cranked up when he appears. But when they succumb to electronic vocals together on Women, the track just sounds messy and half-finished.

READ MORE: Stafford musician Vidorra releases fourth album

Much stronger from them is Party, a real summer-time garden song full of upbeat melodies as Myki Tuff's infectiously happy voice leads us in a dance to his tune.

Not Vidorra's strongest effort to date, but an interesting look into his current thought process and the experimentation he is willing to play with.

Rating: 5/10