Staffordshire Day: Regiment Museum celebrates history of the county
From life in the trenches to sniffing perfume in a Victorian pharmacy – the Staffordshire Regiment Museum celebrated the history of the county on Staffordshire Day.

Hundreds of history buffs flocked to the museum, alongside Whittington Barracks near Lichfield yesterday for its special Discovery Day event.
The story of the Staffordshire Regiment from its formation in 1705 was told to the visitors who came from across the region.
As well as a collection of more than 11,000 items from over the years, visitors got the chance to handle wartime weapons from both the First and Second World War with 'Tommy's and Germans in the 100m trench which has been created at the site to help bring history to life. Meanwhile Jo Wenlock and Dissy Tonks were staffing the old Time Healers Victorian Pharmacy with an array of vintage performs and medicines on offer.
Assistant curator at the museum, Steve Hemming, said: "On Discovery Day we put on as many extras as we can. We've had reenactments from the Birmingham Pals in the trenches and two ladies called Time Healers doing Victorian medicine and fashion.There's been loads of weapons on display and lots of memorabilia. Given the weather we're really pleased with the turnout. And its great to take part in Staffordshire Day and promote the Staffordshire Regiment."
The next event at the museum is taking place on Father's Day on June 18.
The museum was just one of many attractions taking part in Staffordshire Day yesterday – as dozens of events in the county marked the annual celebration which saw communities and tourist attractions come together to share their pride. Councillor Mark Winnington, economic growth chief for the county council, said: "A lot more people seem to be excited about Staffordshire Day and it is becoming a real event."