Recreated Spectrum on display at Gadget Show Live
A Staffordshire firm will be attracting interest at the Gadget Show Live at the NEC today as it launches its recreation of a piece of British computing history.

Elite Systems, based in Lichfield, has developed a recreation of the iconic Sinclair ZX Spectrum, after raising more than £60,000 through the Kickstarter crowfunding platform to back the idea.
The Recreated Spectrum mimics the original ZX down to its rubber keypad. Around five million Spectrums were sold following its launch in 1982.
Today it went on show at stand W70 at the Gadget Show and it is due to go on sale for £99.99 later this year. The Recreated Spectrum is now a Bluetooth controller that connects to a smartphone or tablet, through IOS or Android software, acting as a keyboard for sending emails or typing documents.
But it can also write programs in Basic computer language and will play games for the Spectrum such as the classic Chuckie Egg.